We are only hiring a select few


• Hungry

• A person who walks into a room with confidence

• Someone who is probably or intends to be physically fit

• The person who likely doesn’t balance their checkbook but knows how much they
have at all times

• Someone who probably is the person others look up to

• Extremely committed

• Likely to play in a competitive sport

• Someone who had a difficult upbringing or ‘had to grow up fast’ sort
of upbringing

• Looking for opportunity or the chance to make a difference

• Someone who maximizes their resources

• Someone who sees winning as an addiction

• The person who can win without needing to see another lose

• Wanting to be part of something bigger than yourself

• Not afraid to make a lot of phone calls

• Comfortable being uncomfortable

• Someone who earns everything through hard work and has no sense of entitlement

• The first one to show up and the last one to leave daily

• Energetic

• Good at solving problems and can deal with stressful situations

• An adult and acts like it

If this is you, click the button below to get started!